Observation on Design

In the course of day to day life one encounters items that are fun to have, a joy to use, a pleasure to consume. Then there are those things that need some,  assistance. What’s better? And why? This is the simple object of Observation on Design.



CAD Suggestions, Tips and Tricks

Since it was called MiniCAD, we have utilized the CAD application VectorWorks / RenderWorks for design and illustrations. Click on the CAD menu above for some Lessons, Ideas … Tips and Tricks if you will – things we have Observed over the years.

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Sign Sign, Everywhere a sign …

After authoring 200 plus articles in trade magazines like Signs of the Times and Sign Builder Illustrated, there comes a time to send out the some sign ideas and experience direct. Remember, like the man said … its experience, you can’t get experience from your smart phone. Click on Signs in the menu above for some insight,  ideas and experience that we have Observed over decades in the sign, lighting and graphic industries.

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Oh the Pain of It All …

Here at Observation On Design, some of the commentary is based on what we refer to as … the pain of it all. Dr Smith aside, there are many experiences in life that need NOT be as they are. Observe the location of the Soap Dispenser, as illustrated in the photo below, as just a simple example. Our Observations intend to point out these issues and hopefully direct the particular company, facility, idea, product etcetera in a different direction. Hopefully a better one. Click on Observations in the Menu above for some insight.

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Watch for Coco Cat … Coming Soon

Watch for Coco Cat … Meow !


