VW / RW How! – Efficiency- #5  Contextual Menu Tricks

Observation on Design – VectorWorks / RenderWorks How!

What: Efficiency- #5  Contextual Menu Tricks.

Prelude: After you edit your Contextual Menus, with the Workspaces Editor in VectorWorks / RenderWorks, certain items are greyed out, depending on what is selected in the drawing, and where the cursor is. This can work to your advantage.

In a simple design, test this by first deselect all items, then Right Click in the middle of the page away from any geometry. The Document Contextual Menu will come up on screen. Note which of the items in the menu are not available. (Red arrow) These items function in specific situations.  If Lock and Unlock are in the Document Contextual Menu (… as shown) they could be used even if the cursor is not an object. In my favorite Workspace, I have Lock and Unlock in both the Document and Object Contextual Menus.

Selected and No Locked Document Context.jpg

If I have several items selected, then I Right Click in the middle of the page away from this geometry I am able to Lock them as this menu item is now available. (Pink arrow) This does not require me to Pan over till the selected items are in view and it eliminates the possibility of “bumping” geometry while I Right Click to get the Lock  menu item in the Object Contextual Menu. Lock / Unlock and Group / Ungroup are efficient tools for drawing in VectorWorks.

Selected and Locked Document Context.jpg

Were the Object Contextual Menu appears is based on the object being selected. The Document Contextual Menu, on the other hand, appears where the cursor is. You will find that if you Right Click close to the top of the screen, items at the top of the Document Contextual Menu are quickly selected. (Brown Arrow) Right Click close to the middle of the screen, and the cursor goes into the center section. (Green Arrow) Same for a Right Click at the bottom of the screen. (Blue Arrow) To a point, items on the Document Contextual Menu can be arranged to fit this logic. The number of items in your contextual menus, will determine the length of the menu when it pops up on screen. This will help determine the position it takes in relation to the cursor. 




I have mentioned drawing without an extended keyboard on a laptop. The ability to change from one Standard View to another Standard View is not as easy without numeric keys. The set up I have within my favorite Document Contextual Menu speeds the process, for any Standard View even those that have alternate keyboard selections.

In some designs disciplines you create layouts with mostly 2D/3D Symbols. In the Object Contextual Menu, Replace is in a quick to select location. Keep in mind… To use the Object Contextual Menu, one needs to Right Click on a desired object. A 2D object can be easily selected anywhere, for example, on a filled object. 3D objects need to be selected at a corner, on the perimeter or a similar location. (Even if the drawing is rendered) Replace is a quick pick and go function with the Object Contextual Menu. Easier than an alternate location in the Object Info Palette.

One of the situations you need to realize in the process of adding or subtracting items from your desired Contextual Menu,  is what I refer to as grouping of menu commands.

If you want certain items to show when the Contextual Menu pops up, you may also have others show along with them. I assume that it is based on what VectorWorks deicides in the applications programing. Example:In the Left / Command side of the WorkSpace Editor you select Render – RenderWorks, to include in the Document Contextual Menu, you end up with more than the Fast and Final RenderWorks .

What: Add efficiency when drawing with VectorWorks / RenderWorks

How: Use the Document and Object Contextual Menus to your advantage.

Level: Simple, yet dependent on how you have your WorkSpace set up.

                                                         Thanks – Observation on Design – Thats how I did it!   


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