Why is it that …


So why is it that some products are better than others. If one observes a number of comparable products, machines, etcetera, then the question starts to arise. Why do some manufacturers make a second tier product and people buy them. Lack of knowledge? Lack of experience. There would need to be parallel experiences with a review of each to thoroughly know what is good and what is just not as good.

Paper Divots.jpg

This quest was started by the observation of little paper divots on the floor of a specific mens room. Why? The containment of the stack of folded paper towels appeared to be quite adept at retaining the supply. To good in fact. When you grab the center to extracta towel or two, your wet fingers (recently washed it is assumed … ) would pull out and depart with only a smidgen of what was desired. And onto the floor ti would go, when the hand instantly opened to get a fresh grab. In fairness, this holder of paper towels appears to juts have the wrong towels. A case of erreur comptable en logique though I am guessing on this one. Reasoning behind the conclusion? One time in the life of this towel dispenser there were different towels inside. Thicker, better(?) paper towels that did not tear away as wet fingers grabbed to pull.

The Observation is NOT one of an inferior mechanism, but one of an improperly stuffed box.

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