The Best Way To Eat Nutella…

Best Way To Eat Nutella

A warm, freshly cooked crepe, rolled into a flattened cone, with melted Nutella hidden in its inner core. Sure … I may be hard pressed NOT to say that a combination like that is the epitome of savoring Nutella. Especially if you are walking along a boulevard on a spring day in Paris. I will, however, attempt to give you a way to enjoy Nutella just as much.  (“I think it could be the best way to enjoy Nutella that I know of…”) Please read on.

Not a warm day in Paris, but it was a good day for a Nutella Crepe. The little cart, near the news kiosk. Just at the top of the stairs from the Metro exit Invalides (… as I remember – La Calèche Dorée) Very near to the intersection of Rue de l’Universitié and Rue de Constantine. Looked like a little carriage with gold filigree. (as in La Calèche Dorée).

Nutella Crepe_0.JPG  Nutella Crepe_1a.jpg












The lady poured the batter on the grill and spun it round with the wooden paddle. Steam rose as it cooked. Nutella, an 800 gram container, provided the heavenly drizzle in a randomness that mimicked the browning pattern across the crepe. Delicious! (Is that a French word?)

By contrast, it was a warm Las Vegas day. Three of those solo packets of Nutella, were laying on the passenger seat. Some hotels have them on their breakfast bar. You can order them from Amazon. Pulling one open was not the best thing to do in the heat. Should I have known that the Nutella would be like soup inside? Finger licking good, they say. To fix the issue, the other two went into the freezer, in an effort to turn them back into the expected spreadable consistency. 

I have never been a true fan of these 15g containers. Is it not hard to get every last delicious bit out? Assume that the tongue tapers to the front of the mouth for a reason. As is the case when one is busy, I forgot about the Nutella packets in the freezer for a few day. When I went to get ice one evening, there they were, quite solid. 

As the Nevada heat had originally turned the Nutella into a soup, so had the freezer turn it back into a solid. Quite a solid. I peeled one packet open to see and was surprised. A flex of the package and the precious cargo disembarked. Almost in a single slab, clean out of the packet.


Interesting… I popped it into my mouth and … was treated to a fascinating sensation! They call it mouthfeel. The cold, the smooth creamy texture and flavor of Nutella spread through my mouth. The warmth of my body, was sufficient to quickly melt the chocolate tinged delight. I did not take long to become a finished yet very comfortable sensation. That was … Hmm … that was ? … That was yummy! (Not a French word?) 

So, you need to try it. Get some of the little 15gram Nutella packets, and pop them into the freezer for a day. Here’s a hint. Place them somewhere safe, face down. Let them get to room temperature first. Then into the back of the freezer. Also face down. And it is a possibility that you may need to have more than one. Enjoy


That’s How I Did It!Observation on Design


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