VW / RW How! – Efficiency- #1 Workspace Editor – Menu Items

Observation on Design – VectorWorks / RenderWorks How!

What: Efficiency- #1Workspace Editor – Menu Items.

PreludeIf you are looking for a way to be a little more efficient when you draw in VectorWorks / RenderWorks a simple technique is to edit your Workspace.

As far as I understand, this should be available with any version of VectorWorks / RenderWorks. Use the Workspace Editor to alter the location of specific Menu items. Make it so that Menu items you use more often, are in positions that are easiest to get to. Near the top, for example, or at the top of a specific VW / RW drop down menu. Look towards the bottom of the Tools menu (Blue Arrows) for the Workspace Editor under Workspaces.Workspace editor Location.jpg

Editing the desired VW / RW Workspace should be beneficial if you are what might be referred to as a mouse clicker. People I have trained, utilizing VW / RW lean towards two, maybe three styles of drawings technique. One methodology is the piano player. ie: Two handed. Mouse in the right hand, fingers (…of the left hand) on the keyboard. The opposite extreme is the mouse clicker. Mouse in one hand, clicks tools, draws, scrolls down the menus. The other hand is not as functional an appendage, or maybe it is occasionally functional. That said, I do know some very good designers who only mouse click. If you do mouse, adjust the position of specific Menu items, to limit the cursor travel distance to a minimum. 

I have altered my favorite Workspace, to make several menu items, those I use on a more than occasional basis, closer to the top (Red Arrow). Some I changed to pull them out from under their sub category position to a higher level location. On occasion, I leave the original Menu item in place to keep the initial relation with the other Menu items in the specific column. It mentally speeds my ability to make a selection, while keeping the original Menu logic.

Workspace Move Menu Items.jpg

Like driving a different auto there may be a period of adjustment, after that the revised Workspace will appear normal. 

Lets flip the coin to the other side. In some cases removal is another good way to be efficient. Make a Menu shorter. If you don’t use an item contained as part of a specific Menu, you could remove it with the Workspace editor. Lower the chance of selecting it by mistake. Take out features or commands, irrelevant to you current design discipline. While in the Workspace Editor, expand the desired Menu on the right. Select the specific Menu item and hit the delete key.

Note: It is always a good recommendation to use a copy of the desired Workspace for editing purposes. Then, if it is not functioning as expected, it can be deleted & replaced with the original Workspace. I use the Designer Workspace and leave the default “Copy of Designer” name. 

Keep in mind, you can switch to a different Workspace … mid design. Then switch back to your favorite. This will allow you to easily access Menu items & Tools You May have eliminated with an edited Workspace. 

Workspaces > Workspace Editor is found under the Tools menu. After you select the Workspace to edit, you will see the tab options for editing Tools and / or Menus. 

On the left side of the second dialog box, there is an option to see ALL (Orange Arrow). Here you can browse all the available Menu items even if they are not part of the selected Workspace.  Workspace editor all.jpgYou may also find this an easy place to do what I refer to as browse and learn. The All Menus listing is alpha numeric, you can scan down the list and potentially “find” something in VW / RW you were not fully aware of. Add it to your Workspace, then try it out.

What: Add efficiency when drawing with VectorWorks / RenderWorks

How: Edit Menu Items in the desired Workspace 

Level: Simple

Thanks – Observation on Design – Thats how I did it!   

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